Ладно, если оставить личности спорящих в покое..
По поводу прозвучавшего тут сравнения Армии Крайовой с УПА.
Читая различные онлайновые документы и дискуссии, такие сложились выводы:
АК воевала против Вермахта практич. на протяжении всей войны на всей территории Польши. Немцам приходилось задействовывать значительные силы.
ОУН-УПА активно сотрудничали с немцами, помогая им в карательных операциях против мирных жителей.
Во время "антигерманского периода" УПА в основном пряталсь по лесам, терроризируя местное население.
В одном только Варшавском восстании АК уничтожили больше немцев чем УПА за всю войну:
УПА убили мирных жителей:
300-500 тыс поляков, 100 тыс евреев, 60 тыс. украинцев.
Ак - 30 тыс украинцев.
Цифры можно например найти на wikipedii, вот например один линк, kоторый уже здесь был:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_o ... n_Volhynia
Воюя с Сов. Армией упо-вцы потеряли около 15 тыс человек, при этом Сов. Армия потеряла 1.5 тысячи.
Известно активное участие украинских ссовцев и полицаев в Холокосте. Как и УПА это были организации активно сотрудничавшие с оккупацианным режимом, помогавшим им в их карательных операциях.
Вот неплохой анализ "украинско-еврейской дружбы" во время войны:
Надо сказать, что исходя из этой статьи уповцы не показаны идеологическими антисемитами. Автор делает следующий вывод, который похож на правду:
"In any case, the radical dissociation of politics from ethics was a discernible strain in the Galician Ukrainian national movement decades before the Holocaust.
During the Holocaust, however, this dissociation could, and did, have particularly grievous consequences. A remarkable example is the decision by the Bandera movement to infiltrate the Ukrainian police units set up by the Germans. Although the police units were at first largely recruited from the pre-existing police forces, volunteers were also accepted, especially after the Germans realized that the pre-existing police formations, particularly in the pre-1939 Soviet Ukraine, included a large number of Communist party members in their ranks. The Bandera movement, that is, the radical wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, was intent on establishing a Ukrainian state and understood that it needed an armed force to achieve this goal. Participation in the police units would provide Ukrainian nationalists with some training and with arms. Indeed, the thousands of Ukrainian policemen who deserted in the fall of 1942 contributed immensely to the formation of the Bandera- dominated UPA. (37) Prior to that the Bandera movement had virtually taken over a police academy in Rivne, where the Banderites stockpiled weapons and taught recruits to prepare for "a war of liberation of Ukraine against Germany" until their activities were uncovered by the Germans in the spring of 1942. ...
Of course, infiltrating the Ukrainian police formations meant taking part in anti-Jewish actions. Apparently, this did not constitute an obstacle of conscience for the radical nationalists. In fact, taking part in some actions was probably useful, since weapons could be confiscated during ghetto clearings and added to the stockpile. (40) When the Germans discovered the stockpiles associated with the Rivne academy, the members of the Bandera movement denied that they were theirs and said they belonged to Jews. (41) According to the Germans, to finance their activities, the Banderites raised some of their contributions from Jews, whom they often blackmailed. (42) On the other hand, the Bandera movement provided some Jews with false papers. (43)
The impression created by the German documentation is that the extreme Ukrainian nationalists were so indifferent to the fate of the Jews (44) that they would either kill them or help them, whichever was more appropriate to their political goals. Morality (Sheptytsky's "obligation of Divine law") did not enter into the calculation.