вы привели иррелевантные ссылки.
Ежу понятно, что если ограничить жратву, то человек похудеет. В концлагерях полстых не было.
Но, поскольку мы не в концлагере, то нас волнуют следующие вопросы :
- как долго надо сидеть на диете ? всю жизнь ? нахрен она нужна, такая жизнь ? что случится, если я привстану с диеты ?
- хотелось бы жир спустить, а мышцы оставить. можно ли этого добиться, худея путем диеты ?
И вот ответы :
The National Weight Control Registry is an 8 year old project that has studied weight loss in 3500 extremely obese patients who lost (and maintained the loss) of an average of 60+ pounds. The common factor?? A high level of physical activity with an average weekly expenditure of 2545 exercise Calories in women and 3293 Calories in men (equal to an hour of moderate physical activity per day) coupled with an estimated intake of 1500 Calories per day. These Calories were eaten in 4 or 5 small meals throughout the day rather than skimping on breakfast and lunch and then eating a much larger meal at night. And it was a low fat diet with 23% of total Calories coming from fat.
Most had failed to maintain their weight loss with other weight loss regimens, and almost universally attributed the success in this program to the sustained increase in their weekly level of physical activity.
Physical activity has a positive effect on your weight and figure by:
maintaining lean body mass
at the expense of fat
Regular exercise also increases your basal metabolism rate
Not only is there an increase in your overall BMR with regular exercise, there is an additional 12 hour post-exercise boost in the BMR. As a rule of thumb, this adds 15 bonus Calories for every 100 Calories burned during your aerobic activity.
Finally, regular physical exercise will protect muscle mass (at the expense of fat) during periods of weight loss.
In two groups (one active and one more sedentary) with an equally negative Caloric balance and an equal weight loss, the exercise group will lose less muscle mass than the diet only group.
* Dieting alone doesn't help You will lose weight, but it will be more than fat. Some is muscle (which actually burns Calories for you!!) and can leave you thinner, but also slower and weaker. And with less total muscle mass, a return to pre diet eating patterns can actually lead to more rapid weight gain and stabilization at a higher level than where you started.
То есть одна диета , сама по себе, in a long run не помогает. она одинаково срезает жир и мускулы, от нее портится настроение и характер. С нее в конце концов слезают, восстанавливая старые привычки АКА intake balance - а мышцы, которые раньше переваривали все съеденное - за время диеты того-с... И человек набирает больше веса, чем у него было до диеты.
А пристыдишь их - и сальцо найдется, и горилочка...