The crew members of a North Korean freighter regained control of their ship from pirates who hijacked the vessel off Somalia, but not without a deadly fight, the U.S. Navy reported Tuesday.
The USS James E. Williams ordered pirates to give up their weapons, the Navy says.
When the battle aboard the Dai Hong Dan was over, two pirates were dead and five were captured, the Navy said.
Three wounded crew members from the cargo ship were being treated aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS James E. Williams.
The captured pirates were being held aboard the North Korean vessel, the Navy said.
The bandits had seized the ship's bridge, while the crew kept control of the steering gear and engines, the Navy said.
The Koreans moved against the attackers after the Williams -- responding to reports of the hijacking -- ordered the pirates to give up their weapons, according to the Navy.
When the crew members stormed the bridge, the deadly battle began. After the crew regained control, Navy sailors boarded the Dai Hong Dan to help with the injured.
Раньше и граждене СССР мочили пиратов XX-го века сами, а теперь россияне под либерийскими флагами будут басмачам в плен сдаваться если их не охраняют какие-нибудь француско-американские task force.
Что и говорить, гордость за свою страну - великое дело. И развить ее и уничтожить ее можно только самим. А тем кто ее просрал - поделом.