The fascinating part today is that it is physically impossible for the printers, which work with 193-nm-wavelength light, to accurately transfer a 65-nm line from the mask to the wafer's surface. So designers use incredibly sophisticated tricks to make patterns on the mask that, when blurred and distorted by diffraction in the printing process, will end up being sort-of credible 65-nm-wide lines. These tricks include attaching "decorations" all over the line on the mask—bulges in the center, little whiskers at the corners, things that make a rectangle look more like an image in an ink-blot test. This in turn means that even if you can make one perfectly acceptable 65-nm-wide line, you may not be able to make another one right next to it. You may have to leave room for decorations in between.
Так что не отменили ни для кого волновую природу света! И значит что если и можно сделать транзюк в 35нм, то всё равно плотность транзюков сильно увеличить не получится.