Вот не поленился, нашел вам еще один агрумент. Помните про Антисаммит G-8 «Другой России» в 2006 г ? И знаете откуда он финансировался ? Правильно, в том числе и из бюджета США, правда не напрямую, а через NED.
По словам Алексеевой, спонсируют мероприятие зарубежные National Endowment for Democracy и Фонд Сороса.
http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/artic ... /27/108566
The NED receives an annual appropriation from the U.S. budget (it is included in the chapter of the Department of State budget destined for the U.S. Agency for International Development-USAID) and is subject to congressional oversight even as a non-governmental organization. In the financial year to the end of September 2004 NED had an income of $80.1 million, $79.25 million of which came from U.S Government agencies, $0.6 million came from other contributors, plus a little other revenue [17].
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_E ... _Democracy