ZSM-5 wrote:Истопник wrote:но разве он уже не КГБшник?
Да уж лет 8 как нет.... как минимум...... А Вы, простите, когда последний раз смотрели в календарь? Знаете, что на дворе уже 2008 год?
А разве не он сам сказал, что "бывших не бывает"?
ZSM-5 wrote:Истопник wrote:но разве он уже не КГБшник?
Да уж лет 8 как нет.... как минимум...... А Вы, простите, когда последний раз смотрели в календарь? Знаете, что на дворе уже 2008 год?
В отставке - не значит "бывший".MaxSt wrote:Бывают бывшие, которые живы и здоровы..Polar Cossack wrote:Да, посмертно.MaxSt wrote:Бывшие бывают.Истопник wrote:А разве не он сам сказал, что "бывших не бывает"?
Obama has proposed rolling back Bush tax cuts plus a tax credit covering 10 percent of annual mortgage interest payments for "struggling homeowners," a fund for mortgage-fraud victims, aid to state and local governments stung by housing crisis, in $20 billion plan geared to "responsible homeowners."
He would raise income taxes on wealthiest and their capital gains and dividends taxes, raise corporate taxes and give $80 billion in tax breaks mainly for poor workers and elderly.
McCain proposed cutting the corporate tax rate to 25 percent from 35 percent. He would also establish a permanent research and development tax credit and allow tax breaks for equipment and technology investment.
The McCain plan does not contain additional tax relief for individuals beyond previous proposals to repeal the Alternate Minimum Tax, a tax originally designed to fall on the wealthiest but which each year snags more middle-income taxpayers who claim a lot of deductions; and extension of expiring tax cuts from Bush's first term.
Barak Obama wrote:But we have a skills shortage, not a worker shortage. There are plenty of Americans who could be filling tech jobs given the proper training. I am committed to investing in communities and people who have not had an opportunity to work and participate in the Internet economy as anything other than consumers. Most H-1B new arrivals, for example, have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent abroad (42.5%). They are not all PhDs. We can and should produce more Americans with bachelor’s degrees that lead to jobs in technology. A report of the National Science Foundation (NSF) reveals that blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans as a whole comprise more that 25% of the population but earn, as a whole, 16% of the bachelor degrees, 11% of the master’s degrees, and 5% of the doctorate degrees in science and engineering. We can do better than that
Огурчик wrote:Barak Obama wrote:But we have a skills shortage, not a worker shortage. There are plenty of Americans who could be filling tech jobs given the proper training. I am committed to investing in communities and people who have not had an opportunity to work and participate in the Internet economy as anything other than consumers. Most H-1B new arrivals, for example, have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent abroad (42.5%). They are not all PhDs. We can and should produce more Americans with bachelor’s degrees that lead to jobs in technology. A report of the National Science Foundation (NSF) reveals that blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans as a whole comprise more that 25% of the population but earn, as a whole, 16% of the bachelor degrees, 11% of the master’s degrees, and 5% of the doctorate degrees in science and engineering. We can do better than that
Всё понятно - всем университетам дадут разнарядку что неграм нужно будет давать 25% от общего количества выдаваемых Мастерских и Докторских степеней. А потом этих чёрных "мастеров" и "докторов" постават на работы сейчас занятые h1-B шниками. Естественно что за обучение этих чёрных "мастеров" и "докторов" придётся платить за счёт увеличения наших налогов.
GrayWolf wrote:Дед Мороз wrote:Когда и где русские успели наестся социализма ?
В Совке...
Или Вы не застали ети замечательные времена и поетому хотите воспроизвести их здесь? В образовательных, так сказать, целях.
А мне то казалось, что только дураки учатся на собственных ошибках.
MaxSt wrote:Огурчик wrote:Ron Paul - тоже выступает за прекращение войны в Ираке, но не борется за права негров и увеличения налогов.
Ron Paul даже свой родной штат не выиграет.
MaxSt wrote:Ну а в чем смысл голосовать, если кандидат заведомо не проходной?
К тому, кто 10% набрать не может, никто прислушиваться не будет. Если бы у него хотя бы небольшая фракция сторонников в Конгрессе была, прислушались бы. А так...