America’s de facto Finance Czar, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has reached for the panic button and made a dramatic 180-degree reversal of his financial bailout plan passed only days before. On September 23 in testimony before the US Congress, Paulson, former CEO of the politically influential Wall Street investment firm, Goldman Sachs, declared his adamant opposition to the idea of the US Government taking equity stakes in troubled major banks in order to provide them capital and stabilize the frozen interbank trading market. On October 13, that opposition to ‘nationalization’ collapsed.
On Monday October 13 in the US Treasury, Paulson convened an emergency meeting with the heads of the nine largest US banks. According to reports from participants, Paulson handed each person a one page document to sign that they would agree to sell their stock shares in part to the US Government in return for an emergency injection of $250 billions. Paulson told them they must all sign before leaving the room. Three hours and reportedly many acrimonious arguments later, all nine had signed in the largest Government intervention into the US banking system since the Great Depression.
America’s de facto Finance Czar, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has reached for the panic button and made a dramatic 180-degree reversal of his financial bailout plan passed only days before. On September 23 in testimony before the US Congress, Paulson, former CEO of the politically influential Wall Street investment firm, Goldman Sachs, declared his adamant opposition to the idea of the US Government taking equity stakes in troubled major banks in order to provide them capital and stabilize the frozen interbank trading market. On October 13, that opposition to ‘nationalization’ collapsed.
On Monday October 13 in the US Treasury, Paulson convened an emergency meeting with the heads of the nine largest US banks. According to reports from participants, Paulson handed each person a one page document to sign that they would agree to sell their stock shares in part to the US Government in return for an emergency injection of $250 billions. Paulson told them they must all sign before leaving the room. Three hours and reportedly many acrimonious arguments later, all nine had signed in the largest Government intervention into the US banking system since the Great Depression.
JiltedGen wrote:Да, диктатор он кровавый - дает насильно деньги под 5% годовых.
Какие 5% годовых? Заперли в комнате и вульгарно в стиле "Союза Меча и Орала" имени т.Бендера вынудили сдать акции по "договорной цене".
Так что там насчет неприкосновенной частной собственности?
Мне пока сие действо говорит о двух вещах:
1. Руководство США в панике - никакого плана спасения нет, а есть какие-то дерганья трупа под электротоком
2. Инфляции - быть.
сие действо говорит о двух вещах: Вы понимаете в финансах как свинья в помидорах. Удивляюсь людям которые абсолютно без руля, далеки от темы как Москва до Магадана и всеравно пытаются умничать и даже придумывают идиотские заголовки топикаю Ну почитайте файненшл таймс чтоли перед тем как отвечать.
WSJ wrote:The government would be buying preferred shares, and thus wouldn't dilute their common shareholders. And the banks would pay a relatively modest 5% in annual dividend payments.
По поводу инфляции вы тоже мимо тазика. Сейчас главные опасения по поводу дефляции:
WSJ wrote:Policy makers navigating the U.S. through the global credit crisis may have a new concern on the horizon for 2009: deflation. The risk of deflation remains slim. But the financial shock and a faltering economy can set the stage for a deflationary environment.
Потрудитесь разобраться в суте вещей перед тем как постить ахинею.
WSJ wrote:The government would be buying preferred shares, and thus wouldn't dilute their common shareholders. And the banks would pay a relatively modest 5% in annual dividend payments.
Я ему про Фому, он мне про Ерему. Тема о том, что Полсон и Ко меняют свой пресловутый план на 180 градусов спустя лишь 2 недели после принятия, начиная делать то, что отрицали ранее. Это попросту говорит о том, что ситуацией они не владеют.
По поводу инфляции вы тоже мимо тазика. Сейчас главные опасения по поводу дефляции
Выше написано - обязали подписать бумаги не выходя из комнаты.
WASHINGTON — The chief executives of the nine largest banks in the United States trooped into a gilded conference room at the Treasury Department at 3 p.m. Monday. To their astonishment, they were each handed a one-page document that said they agreed to sell shares to the government, then Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. said they must sign it before they left.
“It was a take it or take it offer,” said one person who was briefed on the meeting, speaking on condition of anonymity because the discussions were private. “Everyone knew there was only one answer.”
The Roosevelt administration then pushed through the Emergency Banking Act (cf. Emergency Economic Stabilization Act) that expanded the RFC's powers to include government purchase of preferred stock from banks. Banks didn't want to sell preferred to the RFC. It took RFC chair Jesse Jones telling the American Bankers Association that if they didn't get with the program and start lending again, the government would go into the direct loan business itself. The banks sold preferred to the RFC. I can only imagine what Secretary Paulson told the 9 bank CEOs would happen if they didn't sell to Treasury.
In the end, the RFC bought lots and lots of preferred stock from banks. By 1935, nearly 1/3 of bank stock value was held by the RFC. The dividend on the preferred stock? Then, as in the current deal, it was 5%.
priap wrote:А может просто уговорил? Раз три часа на это ушло.
Т.е. если обошлось без рукоприкладства и утюга на спине, то это "уговорил"?
Ну приблизительно как милиционер уговаривает "пройти".
Можно конечно отказаться, но немногие решаются ...
WSJ wrote:The government would be buying preferred shares, and thus wouldn't dilute their common shareholders. And the banks would pay a relatively modest 5% in annual dividend payments.
Я ему про Фому, он мне про Ерему. Тема о том, что Полсон и Ко меняют свой пресловутый план на 180 градусов спустя лишь 2 недели после принятия, начиная делать то, что отрицали ранее. Это попросту говорит о том, что ситуацией они не владеют.
Удивили.. я-то думал, нынешнюю финансовую жопу администация сконструировала... а оказываецца, они "ситуацией не владеют". "Ну что - я в панике" (С) День Радио
А пристыдишь их - и сальцо найдется, и горилочка...