Глупости. Вот наш ближайший дикий родственник:Eman N. Azi-Nagro wrote: Не, так нельзя.
Мы же не коровы.
Мы, вообще говоря, процентов на 70-80 плотоядные.
И углеводы надо ограничивать существенно.
Если вы не эскимос и не полинезиец, и ваши предки не эволюционировали тысячи лет при недостатке доступа к углеводам (и не учились выживать на мясе белого медведя или кокосах), ваш организм рассчитан на получение большей части калорий из углеводов, и любая программа low-carb это верная дорога в раннюю могилу, извините.The chimpanzee diet is an omnivorous diet as they eat plants and meat. Their primary source of food is plants. They eat during the day and sleep at night, just like a normal human would do. They eat fruits and plants and also eat insects. They have a varied diet and are known to eat different types of food. Let us go into the details of diet of chimpanzee.
Phytophagous Diet of Chimpanzee
The basic chimpanzee diet consists of fruits and plants. These chimpanzees eat different kinds of food available in their wild habitat. They love eating bananas, figs, pawpaws, etc. They will forage through the forests finding edible berries growing in trees or fallen on the forest floor. They also love eating plant parts like flowers, buds, leaves and tree seeds. They even scrape off the bark and resins and eat them up. When the season is dry and fruits are in shortage, they will eat up more of plants. A chimp can eat over 20 plant species in a day. Over a period of year, a chimpanzee may have gorged upon 300 different species of plants.
Insectivorous Diet of Chimpanzee
Insects form an important part of the chimpanzee diet. Chimps love eating termites and use ingenious methods to catch termites. They may use their hands or make special tools from stems and sticks to poke out the termites from their termite mounds. They also feed on other insects like ants, bugs, beetles, etc.
Carnivorous Diet of Chimpanzee
Chimpanzee diet also consists of meat as these primates tend to hunt small monkeys and baby mammals. It is mostly the male chimpanzees that hunt for meat more than the females. However, meat consists of only 5% of the chimpanzee diet.
Но если вы все равно думаете, что вы существо "процентов на 70-80" плотоядное, у меня для вас есть пара простых экспериментов.
У вас есть сырое мясо в холодильнике? Достаньте кусок мяса. Разморозьте, разогрейте до 35 градусов цельсия (температура свежеубитой дичи), и съешьте, не пользуясь вилкой и ножом.
Второй эксперимент. Возьмите мышеловку. Поставьте на чердаке (или на улице в кустах), подождите, пока в нее не попадется мышь. Затем, пока она полностью не остыла, попытайтесь ее съесть вместе со шкурой и костями.
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