AverageJoe wrote:Сегодня известный бизнесмен и в прошлом поклонник Обамы написал вот этот editorial в The Wall Street Journal:
Obama and the 'Competency Crisis'
Like many Americans who supported him, I long for a triple-A president to run a triple-A country.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... on_LEADTop
Many voters who supported him are no longer elated by the historic novelty of his candidacy and presidency. They hoped for a president who would be effective. Remember "Yes We Can"? Now many of his sharpest critics are his former supporters. Witness Bill Broyles, a one-time admirer who recently wrote in Newsweek that "Americans aren't inspired by well-meaning weakness." The president who first inspired with great speeches on red and blue America now seems to lack the ability to communicate any sense of resolve for a program, or any realization of the urgency of what might befall us. The teleprompter he almost always uses symbolizes and compounds his emotional distance from his audience.
Статья полна передергивания.
Since the president is the one who represents all of America and all Americans, the buck stops with him rather than with the Congress.
Вранье. Расходы бюджета решает Конгресс.
It is the president's job to offer a coherent program for the twin threats of a static economy and an unsustainable explosion of our debts and deficits. But the only core issue on which he took a clear position in the recent debt-ceiling negotiations was that it would have to include new taxes on the wealthy—and he didn't even hold to that.
Опять вранье. Обама предлагал программу снижения дефицита, на 83% состоющую из урезаний. Чайнатаун показал средний палец - им, видите ли, не понравились оставшиеся 13% , которые предлагалось добрать _закрытием лупхолов в налогах_ !
When the president did speak, the best he could come up with was "We've always been and always will be a triple-A country." The market's response was a Bronx cheer, a drop of another 300 points.
Из того, что маркет в понедельник упал на 300 пунктов, не следует, что он упал от речи Президента. Там еще было такое незначительное событие, как даунгрейд американских казначейских бумаг в пятницу, после закрытия рынков.
И так далее. WSJ переплюнул сам себя в передергивании.