Лезбиянки это на 90% те же мужики (т.е. нарушения гормонального фона).bulochka wrote:Я тоже про это подумала.MYXOMOPP wrote:А где же "ген гомосексуализЬма"?bulochka wrote:Очень смешная история, кстати.Inexperienced male penguins that haven't yet learned the appropriate breeding "cues" may mistake [...]
[шопотом] Т.е. все-таки "среда"?
Ну наверняка и то, и то. И вообще, говорят, если ген гомосексуализма и нашли, то только для мужчин, а как быть с лесбиянками?
А вот, кстати, чисто случайно слушаю сегодня передачу, и попался такой диалог.Interviewer:
Take one of the biggies. At one point, homosexuality was thought to be abnormal. Is it considered abnormal any longer?
SMOLLER (Harvard psychiatry professor, Associate Vice Chair of the MGH Department of Psychiatry and Director of Psychiatric Genetics)
No, you're right. That actually until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association recognized homosexuality as not normal, and, in fact, it was a vote of the Board of the organization that eliminated it from the diagnostic manual and we now sort of look back at that with some bewilderment about how that could even be thought of as a disorder, per se. But this is a process that sort of continued over the last 30 years as we've sort of tweaked our understanding of what makes sense.
And we've recognized there were dramatic findings early in the '70s and in the early '80s that suggested there was something really not quite right about how people were understanding and using psychiatric diagnosis. So for example, there was a famous study where a psychologist brought volunteers into a psychiatric hospital who were normal, and asked them to say that they were having some kind of symptom, they were hearing a thud. And then their job was to convince the staff to discharge them by being normal. It took a long time for them to get discharged, and every single one of them was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
That was a wake-up call. And then there were some studies that showed that whether you got a diagnosis of, say, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder mattered a lot about were your psychiatrist was. In the United States, the same person might be likely to get a diagnosis of schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder. In the UK they were more likely to be diagnosed with manic depressive illness. So there was some lack of common language. And what happened in 1980 was a real watershed.
Мужчины педерасты это да именно те которые у пингвинов, т.е. антисоциальные элементы.
И как вы правильно заметили в 1973 году политическим (ненаучным) решением педерасты были признаны нормальными.