Среди молодого поколения Великобритании все более популярным становится либерализм, причем не тот, что нам много лет подсовывают под этим ярлыком социалисты, а истинный, в котором превыше всего ставятся интересы личности а не государства и общества.
Приятно видеть, что в этом мире еще не все отравлены социалистической идеологией. Вдвойне приятно видеть такие настроения среди молодежи.Young Britons have turned strikingly liberal, in a classical sense.
They are relaxed, almost to the point of ennui, about other people’s sexual preferences, drug habits and skin colour. Although, like older Britons, they do not think much of mass immigration, they are tired of politicians banging on about it. As for the row over gay marriage, soon to trouble the House of Lords, they can hardly see the problem.
The young want Leviathan to butt out of their pay cheques as well as their bedrooms. Compared with their elders, they are welfare cynics. Almost 70% of the pre-war generation, and 61% of baby-boomers, believe that the creation of the welfare state is one of Britain’s proudest achievements. Under 30% of those born after 1979 agree. The young are deficit-reduction hawks. They worry about global warming, but still generally lean towards Mill’s minimal “nightwatchman state” when it comes to letting business get on with it: they are relaxed about the growth of giant supermarkets, for example.