все это так, но есть все же есть положительное, которому даже американцы начинают аплодировать.
Почитайте комментарии к статье о России. Американцы поддерживают Путина, и сожалеют о засилии гомосексуалистов и хотят чтобы если уж были равные права, то у всех, а не у отдельной "обиженной" всеми группы людей.
http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013 ... snhp&pos=1
Russia will exist when the USA is no longer a free nation and that will happen in time. We are destroying ourselves from within and the liberal morons are leading the way.
Good for Russia. They understand that the Sodomites have effective control over anything that relates to discussions concerning sexual relations in the west, and they want to prevent the Sodomites from doing the same in their beloved country.
Russia is not so bad after all.
Up with Russia. Down with the Sodom nation.
I think the United States should have a new law banning Homosexual Propaganda as well. Keep your sexual orientation to yourselves. I don't need to know your business, and you don't need to know mine.
I'm not suggesting things be as extreme, but whatever happened to discretion? I don't hate gay people, and I'm not a homophobe, this is simply my opinion. I'm quite certain you know what they say about opinions!
My suggestion for all you whiners, is to get over it.
This is how it should be in America and all over the world. If a Gay couple wants to live happily ever after together which is gross. then fine go for it. But don't enforce it on our children. Every child deserves a mother and a Father. if you disagree then ask yourself if you are willing to call up your parents and say you would have been raised just as fine with two moms or two dads. Try it and see how well that works out.
Ironic, isn't it, that Russia, anti-religion, anti-freedom, anti-rights Russia, knows that homosexuality is wrong, and our government does not.
For once Russia has it right, you don't give guns to kids! Don't let the evil "GAY" culture be given to kids either... Let them grow up normally, then if they want to turn, let them!!!! If the truth be known, it's all about the "turn" or being "turned"! Don't give me this "freedom", "equal rights" BS... If you want all that with your unclean acts, kool, just like alcohol or cigarettes, you can have it all at 18/21!