AverageMan wrote:ie wrote:
конкретные аргументы:
эстонский министр:
- майданцы не хотят расследовать снайперов.
- снайперы стреляли по обеим сторонам.
на лицо эскаляция майдана.
госпожа нулад, в ее разговоре с послом, практически пушала енвелоп
- ф@k, etc.
на лицо эскаляция майдана
в результате эскаляции, януковичь испугался за свою жизнь (а кто бы не испугался?)
и сежал.
к власти приходят активисты майдана.
заявленные и не заявленные.
кому была выгдна эскаляция?
еще нужны аргументы?
Стройность деталей мне не понятна. Но предположу - что вы выдвигаете версию что у стрелка исключительно майдановские корни. Такое может быть. Особенно с учетом что майдан есть по сути - широкое народное движение. А значит там
на уровне отдельных людей могут быть все - и провокаторы, и сумасшедшие и кто угодно.
Я раньше говорил, что за ниточки дергали США (больше никто такими делами не занимается). И, вот, вчера, по телеку, тоже самое сказал и бывший кандидат в Президенты США.
Russia's invasion of Ukraine was spurred by U.S. behind-the-scenes actions, says former Ohio congressman and Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday accused Kucinich of being a pacifist because of his opposition to the Iraq war, and Kucinich countered that war is wrong but not all U.S. military action is so.
O'Reilly then asked how Kucinich would have handled the Ukraine crisis had he been president.
"What I'd do is not have USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy working with U.S. taxpayers' money to knock off an elected government in Ukraine, which is what they did," Kucinich answered. "I wouldn't try to force the people of Ukraine into a deal with NATO against their interest or into a deal with the European Union, which is against their economic interest."
"So, it's the USA's fault that Putin rolled in? We made them do it?" O'Reilly asked.
"Bill O'Reilly, if you don't believe in cause and effect, I don't know what I can do for you," Kucinich responded.
Kucinich said the United States has been involved covertly and behind the scenes with the CIA and two government foreign aid groups, the National Endowment for Democracy and the United States Agency for International Development, to "stir up trouble in Ukraine."
He didn't specify what the groups had done, but said the democracy endowment had sponsored 65 programs. He said the United States should stay out of Ukraine's affairs and let its people decide their future without outside interference.
http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/russia ... /id/556082
Вот, сайт usaid -
Since 1991, Ukraine’s development trajectory has taken the country from a command to a market-based economy. The United States Government maintains a strategic interest in helping Ukraine’s transition toward greater democracy and a sustainable free market economy. Over the last 20 years USAID has provided $1.8 billion in critical development assistance in support of the Ukrainian people. Much of this development assistance has helped Ukrainians experience increased political freedoms, stronger transparency guarantees, and more economic and social opportunities.
Не зря же, 1.8 млрд. зеленых в демократию вложили. Вот, и результат.
Ни нормальную демократию, ни экономику без коррупции не построили. На что же тратились деньги?