Papa Hotel Whisky wrote:inock wrote:А что об этом не сказать диспетчеру вместо "Спокойной ночи"?
А хрен его знает. Но шанс, что не захотел докладывать, пока не разберется с проблемой - куда выше, чем все прочие сценарии. Fly-Navigate-Communicate. В переводе на русский - общение с диспечером в случае проблем на борту в список первоочередных задач не входит.
Идея, что пилот при запахе плавящейся изоляции будет первым делом выключать радио, не тратя ни секунды даже сказать земле о своих планах, мне показалась безумной. Для проверки я нашел NTSB report в отношении первого же упомянутого в заметке рейса: ... R86-02.pdf Выдержка из air-to-ground communications transcript:
1906:07 (AirCanada) Memphis Center this is Air Canada seven nine seven
1906:09 (ATC) Canada seven ninety seven Indianapolis Center, go ahead
1906:12 (AirCanada) Yeah, we've got an electrical problem here, we may be off communication shortly ah stand by
1907:28 (AirCanada) Hello Center, Piedmont three sixty two, we’re level at flight level three% three zero
1907:32 (ATC) Three sixty two Indianapolis Center roger
1907:35 (AirCanada) We’ll take direct Holston Mountain if you can do that
А вот частичный CVR transcript второго рейса (Swissair flight 111):
SWR111 1:14:18.0 Swissair one eleven heavy is declaring Pan Pan Pan. We have uh smoke in the cockpit, uh request (deviate), immediate return uh to a convenient place, I guess uh Boston ***.
QM 1:14:33.2 Swissair one eleven roger ... turn right proceed ...uh ... you say to Boston you want to go?
SWR111 1:14:33.2 I guess Boston ... we need first the weather so uh we start a right turn here. Swissair one one one Heavy.
QM 1:14:45.2 Swissair one eleven roger and a descent to flight level three one zero. Is that okay?
SWR111 1:14:50.3 Three one zero [Unintelligible words obscured by a noise. Possibly the noise associated with donning oxygen masks] Three one zero *** one one heavy.
QM 1:15:03.1 Swissair one eleven Centre.
SWR111 1:15:06.6 Swissair one eleven heavy go ahead.
QM 1:15:08.6 Uh Would you prefer to go into Halifax?
SWR111 1:15:11.6 Uh Standby
Virgin 12 1:15:15.0 Moncton Virgin twelve will be standing by.
QM 1:15:17.3 Virgin twelve roger standby.
SWR111 1:15:38.4 Affirmative for Swissair one eleven heavy. We prefer Halifax from our position.
QM 1:15:43.8 Swissair one eleven roger, proceed direct to Halifax, descend now to flight level two niner zero.
SWR111 1:15:48.7 Level two niner zero to Halifax, Swissair one eleven heavy.
SWR111 1:24:45.1 Swissair one eleven heavy is declaring emergency
1:24:46.4 [Second voice overlap] (Roger) we are between uh twelve and five thousand feet we are declaring emergency now at ah time ah zero one two four. [Possible intercom sound toward the end of the transmission.]
HZ 1:24:56.0 Roger.
SWR111 1:24:56.5 Eleven heavy we starting dump now we have to land immediate.
HZ 1:25:00.7 Swissair one eleven just a couple of miles I'll be right with you.
SWR111 1:25:04.1 Roger. [Sound - Probable Autopilot disconnect warbler]
SWR111 1:25:05.4 And we are declaring emergency now Swissair one eleven.
HZ 1:25:08.6 Copy that.