Для мужчины между 20 и 30:I think a useful suggestion is made by Bob Glover as he has coached hundreds or even thousands of runners over the years. He believes that most people can reach 60% of the AG standard if they are willing to put in a good bit of work. Also according to Glover, it takes not only a good bit of work but a decent amount of talent to reach 70% of the AG standard. Last, it takes a lot of work and a lot of talent to reach 80%.
60% AG = 5k in 21:30 (6:55 per mile)
70% AG = 5k in 18:25 (5:55 per mile)
80% AG = 5k in 16:10 (5:10 per mile)
3 км за 9:50 это 77% AG для взрослого и 85% AG для 14-летнего.
Разряды для мужчин (в 5к и в полумарафоне выходит примерно одинаково):
МСМК = 95% AG
КМС = 88% AG
I = 83% AG
II = 79% AG
III = 73% AG