начну с хорошей: американский журнализм еще жив, значит не все потеряно для этой страны.
теперь плохая:
ну и вот это для приветовских аналитиков, которые любят рассказывать сказки,The U.S. economy is an ocean liner holed below the waterline. In the stateroom, the band plays on – but, on the bridge, the outcome is clear.
про отсутсвие коррупции в самой-главной-стране-на-земле:
Washington is actually far more corrupt than Beijing. If you want to get something done in Washington, you do what you do in Jakarta: just slip some money to the right people. The point was made as far back as a generation ago by the prominent Japanese commentator and author Shintaro Ishihara. From an East Asian point of view, the United States is already, in its political dynamics, a Third World country.