спасение своего потомства - биологический инкстинкт, присущий всем млекопитающим. Эгоизм - тоже биологический инкстинктbrrdrr wrote: вы будете есть сами или отдадите еду ребёнку?
Вот хороший, даже невероятный пример подавления биологического инкстинкта:
http://auschwitz.dk/Schindler2.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;At the point when his ambitions have been realized and he could walk away from the war a rich man while "his Jews" die in Plaszow and Auschwitz, Oscar Schindler desperately spends every penny he has bribing Nazi officials to protect and save his Jews.
In a symbolic reversal of his earlier purpose in life, he spends all the money he made by exploiting the labour of Jews in buying the lives of Jews; whatever is not spent in bribing Nazi officials is subsequently spent in feeding and protecting his Jews.
He died penniless, but he earned the everlasting gratitude of his Jews. He was mourned on four continents and generations will remember him for what he did.