jvn2a wrote:HappyCat wrote:Чем дальше я смотрю тем больше мне кажется что никакой катастрофы не произойдет если выбирут Обамы, така же как и МакКейна
. Обама на мой взгляд вообще не имеет никакой позиции по любому вопросу и сейчас просто обещает все что угодно, лишь бы его избрали.
Муж, xотя он республиканец, будет за Ральфа Надера голосовать . Мне по многим вопросам Ральф тоже нравится. Либертарианцы мне кажется не реалистичны в своих заявлениях. Барр говорит типа надо стену построить между правительством и экономикой. Ну во-первых уже хрен ее построишь. Во-вторых, ну после последних инцидентов с банками, если убрать государственную защиту вкладов, то начнется паника ну и тогда уж точно Великая дипрессия обеспечена. Но Барра все равно не выберут, так что по этому поводу можно тоже не переживать.
Налоги... Ну чуть выше чуть ниже... Не знаю заработаем мы на пары с мужем в этом году 200К... Так что вообщем тоже не принципиально.
А кратко, тезисно можете его програмку описать? Я тоже начинаю в его сторону склоняться. Когда-то читала о нём, но подзабыла.
Кратко что зацепило мой взгляд
Civil liberties and due process of law are eroding due to the "war on terrorism" and new technology that allows easy invasion of privacy.
The US needs to crackdown on
corporate crime, fraud and abuse that have just in the last four years looted and drained trillions of dollars from workers, investors, pension holders and consumers. Among the reforms needed are resources to prosecute and convict the corporate executive crooks and to democratize corporate governance so shareholders have real power; pay back ill-gotten gains; rein in executive pay; and enact corporate sunshine laws, among others.
democracy is in a descending crisis. Voter turnout is among the lowest in the western world, and America ranks in the bottom three of countries that hold free elections. The reasons for this democracy crisis are many: Redistricting ensures very few incumbents are at risk in one-party districts, and paperless voting machines call into question whether every vote is being counted. Barriers to full participation of candidates proliferate, making it very obstructive for third party and Independent candidates to run. These problems silence alternative viewpoints and decrease voter confidence.
The complexity and distortions of the
federal tax code produces distributions of tax incidence and payroll tax burdens that are skewed in favor of the wealthy and the corporations further garnished by tax shelters, insufficient enforcement and other avoidances.... A fundamental reappraisal of our tax laws should start with a principle that taxes should apply first to behavior and conditions we favor least and pinch basic necessities least, such as the clearly addictive industries (alcohol and tobacco), pollution, speculation, gambling, extreme luxuries, instead of taxing work or instead of the 5% to 7% sales tax food, furniture, clothing or books.
NAFTA and the WTO make commercial
trade supreme over environmental, labor, and consumer standards and need to be replaced with open agreements that pull up rather than pull down these standards.
The United States needs a redirected
federal budget that adequately funds crucial priorities like infrastructure, transit and other public works, schools, clinics, libraries, forests, parks, sustainable energy and pollution controls
The three documents below provide the "tools of democracy" that
shift the power so people can regain control of their government, empower themselves as consumers, and strengthen themselves as workers. Without the facilities making it easy for Americans to band together to develop organizations with staff and budget to protect their interests workers, consumers, and voters have few ways to challenge those organized for other purposes for example corporations organized with contrary policies and demands.
Есть и другие пункты которые вообщем мне индеферентны, здесь: